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mediterranean climate 地中海氣候。

mediterranean fever

Contemporary glass conservatories showcase plants of the sonoran and chihuahuan deserts of north america in one wing and plants from the world s mediterranean climates in the other . the garden s gift shop stocks disposable cameras , film and botanical goods 記住在你觀看的時候,穿上旅行靴和耐磨的褲子,再買一張地圖確定你的位置,因為看這些東西時,你的雙腿要不斷地在石頭間摩擦。

And a station in california will predict rain less often than a station reporting the same conditions elsewhere in the country , because the algorithm takes into account the mediterranean climate on the west coast 即使在同樣天氣條件下,比起美國其他地方來,加州的氣象站就不常預測降雨,因為演算法已考慮到美國西岸的地中海型氣候。

Sonoma and napa counties mediterranean climate makes them a premium wine grape provinces of north america . to provide you with as broad and experience as possible , 乘坐熱氣球,乘風而行,體驗一生中難得的空中之旅,可以使您的夢想成真。

Adelaide enjoys a mediterranean climate with hot summers , cool winters , and an average annual rainfall of 530 mm 阿德萊德屬于地中海型氣候,夏季炎熱、冬季涼爽,平均年降雨量530毫米。